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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  March 19, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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home, proper taxes would drop $50. 2014, $244. by 2020, they would save $500. i it is the beginning, not the and every and he goes down makes us more competitive. >> how will the mayor pull off the drop? by reducing city spending, dedicating a 90% of spending to features what facilities which have not been built yet and providing tax relief to owner- occupied a home owners. >> this city has a great deal of things to offer residents. unfortunately, you have to peel back a lot of things to get to the nugget. >> and there are a number of problems plaguing baltimore city from infrastructure to schools to its reputation which is
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constantly taking a hit. the small drop in property taxes may not be a big enough incentive. >> i don't think people will say great, and 2020, my tax rate will be 20 cents lower. but it will still be double what i pay in baltimore county. >> then there is the issue of will it just be recycled by the residence? >> are people from delaware or virginia going to drive up to partaken the casinos or is it going to be baltimore residents? >> there may be more problems looming for baltimore swap facilities. a number of lawmakers made it clear they would like to see a facility located in pg county, which could hinder the efforts here. >> the house today started tweaking the state budget sent
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over by the senate. one committee considered raising the bill and another consider raising future pensions. we've been following developments. let's go to annapolis for the latest. >> unpopular decisions are being made. for example, the chairman told tax -- said today he is getting letters laced with profanity from those opposed to raising the income tax. >> the rules of an engagement with republican delegates -- >> i would like to testify in opposition. >> we are accepting the sponsors and owners of late. >> i'm sorry. the senate bill and that is what we're using. >> that is unfortunate. >> the chairman and sponsor of the measure to increase the personal income tax rate defended the bill before the ways and means committee.
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house members are considering whether to adopt some, all, or none of the proposals passed last week by the full senate. questions to the panel amplify the philosophical divide over how to best use your tax dollars. >> we hear this often. there is an exodus of capital from maryland and elsewhere. i am trying to figure out how this proposal was going to help that exit. >> our primary responsibility is to work toward not having a long term deficit and i think people are concerned about getting rid of that deficit and we try to create a program of cuts and increases to move us along that goal. >> after the hearing, a subcommittee came up with the following recommendations. individuals earning $100,000 or less will not see a hike.
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joint filers will also not face a higher tax rate. those making more than 150,000 would see a tax increase. the house is not likely to expand the tax to cover a internet purchases. the house is set to adopt the recommendation of a increase for little cigars and when for smokers and a 15% increase for premium cigars. they're considering teacher pensions and are likely to phase in splitting the cost of the tensions with local jurisdictions. the senate voted in favor of a four-year phase in. >> for the rest of this week about house will tweak the budget package before sending it to the full floor. differences would have to be hammered out in conference committee and they will want to do this before the session ends.
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>> thank you. a teenage girl was stabbed and 10 other juveniles were arrested at the inner harbor. >> it all happened during a night that had police scrambling to respond. >> police sources tell me they have not seen a crowd quite so chaotic as they did at the inner harbor. police had their hands full everywhere with st. patrick's day drawn large crowds to the bars and the warm weather trying disruptive kids to the inner harbor. >> i am committed to making sure the harbor is safe for our citizens and visitors. it is our trademark and i'm going to protected. we have a deployment in the harbor that will respond very quickly when something like that breaks out to make sure we have a safe environment for everyone. >> that was the mayor responding
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to questions this morning. police may be in the best position to know when gatherings are planned. easter traditionally draws large crowds of kids. the city does not want a repeat of instances that have plagued the inner harbor. police say the stabbing of the teenage girl happened when two groups of girls who apparently knew each other started fighting. they blamed the unexpectedly warm weather over the weekend for the large crowd. >> and other former city police officer was sentenced for his involvement in a majestic towing company scheme. he will spend 30 months in prison. he and 50 other officers reportedly received money from the company's owners to encourage accident victims to get their cars repaired at
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majestic telling. 17 officers were charged. he's the second officer to be sentenced. >> funeral services were held today for major roberts marchanti who is killed in afghanistan from one to receive during the attack on the afghan interior ministry. the taliban has claimed responsibility. >> major robert marchanti was killed shortly after the burning of the korans took place. the taliban has claimed responsibility for the killings. >> his job was he was working with the afghan national police. he was a mentor and work alongside the afghans to help them improve police operations. >> a small group of people gathered across the street from the evans' funeral home to show their respect for a fallen hero. >> he served our country.
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he died for us. just respect. >> you feel the same way -- somebody is fighting for your country, you should honor that person. >> i did not know him, but i would just like to show my respect for him. >> the majors son and daughter, seeing people who did not even know their dad would care, means a lot. >> there have been people reaching out to less we've never met and our father had ever met. to hear that he touched their lives feels incredible. >> a military honor guard carried the majors casket to a waiting hearse. >> in a procession led by a
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motorcycle police officers, he was carried to a private service. >> he would have done anything for the military and it shows. he went there to provide for our family and serve his country. as big as he is, he just had the biggest heart to go along with it. >> major marchanti will be buried with full military honors at arlington national cemetery. >> still to come, a gop presidential candidate is expected to make a stop in maryland this week. we'll have details on that plus -- >> it is the eve of the illinois primary and a much tighter race than expected. >> peyton manning's decision on where he wants to play next. that wilhave an impact on the
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raven's 2012 season. we will tell you why. >> spring is here and there are springlike showers on the doppler. 74 degrees downtown. ♪ ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪
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>> in the race for the gop nomination, the focus is on illinois. mitt romney and rick santorum crisscross the state rally for votes. >> were on the took all 20
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delegates in order rego buried would go live to washington for a look at how the illinois race is shaping up. >> the latest polling gives mitt romney the lead, but it is a lot closer than expected. >> the fight is on in illinois, and it is essentially a two-man race. >> i need your help. i want to make sure i can become your nominee. >> mitt romney met with voters in springfield. he kept his attack its aim at president obama. >> he has put us deeper in debt, slowed the recovery, and harmed the economy. >> rick santorum hosted rallies and dixon and rockford. >> this could be an amazing time in history. right here in illinois, you can assure that in and surprise the pundits. >> he supported the wall street bailout. >> the romney camp has a new video out highlighting
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santorum's support for romney in 2008. >> if you want a conservative as the nominee of this party, you must vote for mitt romney. >> polls give romney the edge but put santorum within striking distance. >> a mitt romney win here will continue his march to the nomination. a lot will say rick santorum has some support here in the midwest and has won a big victory and is not just winning in the evangelical stops. >> newt gingrich's focus on the upcoming louisiana primary. he adds ron paul took today off the campaign trail. 54 delegates will be directly elected in tomorrow's illinois primary. another 15 will be named at the state party convention in june. >> mitt romney will be in maryland later this week ahead of the april 3 primary. details are still being ironed out.
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we are told the of and will likely be held in rbs. -- in arbutus. details are still being finalized. >> for most areas, it's another dry and mild day of winter. the showers are tracking throughout northern carroll county. lighter showers up that way and no signs of underdeveloping. to the southeast of baltimore, we have seen a line of showers that have shown a tendency to build up thunder. a lightning strike or to to the east of cambridge. these are likely to develop on the sea breeze with the cool air coming at the eastern shore at bombay up against the warmer air.
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in the city of baltimore, no rain just yet. the almanac on this 19th day of march indicates the dry weather and temperatures 20 degrees warmer than normal. the normal was only 55 and we were zero so close to setting a record. we fell short by three degrees and 78 will stand as the record high for yet another year. almost 5 inches of snow on this day. 74 degrees in downtown baltimore and you can see the cooler temperatures north and west for the scattered showers are moving through. closer to the bay, the temperatures are cooler. 73 in virginia. only 60 degrees and ocean city with cool air coming off the ocean. temperatures tonight staying above normal. isolated showers and fog
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developing after midnight into tomorrow morning. here is the weather pattern -- a split decision. in the eastern half of the country, you are enjoying an early spring. in the west, a big, powerful storm all the way down to the mexican border. cold and stormy west of the rockies and unseasonably mild east of the rockies. it is not a west to east float carrying the systems rapidly. this high amplitude flow means systems crawl slowly. all of the stormy weather will remain out west and blizzard warnings with winter storm warnings into southern arizona and new mexico. the mountains will pick up several inches of snow while in the east, a mild temperatures into canada. on the warm side for now, but after some fog, we will get some fog. -- we will get some sun.
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mildly the mountains and thunderstorms with partly cloudy on wednesday. temperatures in the '70s unless you're on the shore where it will be attached cooler. lower eastern shore, a decency breeze will keep temperatures on the beach chillier. spring officially begins at 1:14 in the morning. faulk will start the day, burning off for afternoon sun. highs are still well above normal. >> looks like we will see peyton manning play as a member of the denver broncos. he has reportedly told his management to enter into formal contract negotiation with denver, choosing the broncos over tennessee and san francisco.
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the exact date not yet determined. he reportedly wants a three-year deal, history, however says he won't play the length of that contract. he becomes the fifth player to win up multiple mvp awards with one team that finishing his career with another. of that group, only joe montana and warner played for more than one year with a second team. none of those quarterbacks won the super bowl with his second team. manning makes the bronco was an early superable favorite, assuming they finalize the deal. the arrival creates a big decision for the broncos about the future of tim tebow. he is a contract in can't test the market by itself. many believe they will try to trade him. miami or jacksonville seemed like the most likely
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destinations. the broncos should also weigh the option of holding on to him. look what happened when manning couldn't play. turns 36 this weekend has a multiple neck surgery track record. it could have a dramatically positive impact on teow's career if they keep him. the terrapins welcome global to the comcast center tonight. welcome might stretch the sentiment. little upset ireland three years ago, but you don't have to go back that far to remind players of the agony of defeat. maryland lost to georgetown last year. most certainly they don't want to repeal it. >> last year was a painful lesson for us. our goal is fight to finish and this team takes great pride.
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there is more pride we have three seniors and you want to send them out the right way and they have done so much for this team and this program. >> ohio has a lot of influence on who wins the presidential election, but this extends to march madness as the men's team had to the sweet 16. one-quarter of the field remaining. kentucky and north carolina and wisconsin each have two teams left. no other state has more than one team still in the field. switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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>> is a popular place to walk your dog and take your kids -- why baltimore county is considering base chapel park the location for a new school. apple expects to pay out dividends and institute a share buyback program to reward shareholders. find out how it works and if you
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>> spring has sprung in advance of spring. >> we already sprung before spring. >> that's what i was trying to stay. >> back to the future. >> spring begins at 1:40 in the morning, so we are hours from the official start of it. isolated thunderstorms or two in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow afternoon. fog in the morning on wednesday and thursday but afternoon sun and temperatures above normal trade almost 80 degrees on friday. the first weekend of spring might be wet. >> i'm going to go outdoors and embrace spring. >> give it a great big hug. >> thank you for joining us. >> let go of the tree.
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girl: i want to tell you about my friend. his name is ben. ben learned about a homeless boy who had an infected tooth, and the boy died. that made ben really sad. he wrote a law so every kid can see a dentist. we have special dental van that goes from school to school. he even helps make sure we learn how to brush our teeth. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message.


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